A Dozen Roses Bouquet
Our Dozen Roses Bouquet is a classy mix of luxurious long-stem roses with lush greens wrapped in our signature presentational style. Classy and elegant!
Photos are a representation, exact designs will vary.
Deliveries are available 7 days a week! While our store has designated shopping hours, you can place a delivery for any day of the week online. For same-day orders, confirm availability by calling 215-914-3805, however all orders must go through our online shop.
Myrtle & Magnolia offers flower delivery to these zip codes in the Philadelphia area: 19125, 19130, 19134, 19133, 19146, 19145, 19147, 19148, 19103, 19102, 19104, 19107, 19106, 19122, 19121, 19123, 19153, 19112
Our Dozen Roses Bouquet is a classy mix of luxurious long-stem roses with lush greens wrapped in our signature presentational style. Classy and elegant!
Photos are a representation, exact designs will vary.
Deliveries are available 7 days a week! While our store has designated shopping hours, you can place a delivery for any day of the week online. For same-day orders, confirm availability by calling 215-914-3805, however all orders must go through our online shop.
Myrtle & Magnolia offers flower delivery to these zip codes in the Philadelphia area: 19125, 19130, 19134, 19133, 19146, 19145, 19147, 19148, 19103, 19102, 19104, 19107, 19106, 19122, 19121, 19123, 19153, 19112

Our Dozen Roses Bouquet is a classy mix of luxurious long-stem roses with lush greens wrapped in our signature presentational style. Classy and elegant!
Photos are a representation, exact designs will vary.
Deliveries are available 7 days a week! While our store has designated shopping hours, you can place a delivery for any day of the week online. For same-day orders, confirm availability by calling 215-914-3805, however all orders must go through our online shop.
Myrtle & Magnolia offers flower delivery to these zip codes in the Philadelphia area: 19125, 19130, 19134, 19133, 19146, 19145, 19147, 19148, 19103, 19102, 19104, 19107, 19106, 19122, 19121, 19123, 19153, 19112
Please ensure your recipient is available to accept your delivery. We will notify them of delivery using the phone number on the order. Plants and flowers are a natural product. We can only guarantee the health and freshness of our products for 5 days after delivery or pick-up. Please email hello@myrtleandmagnolia with any issues, concerns, or for care advice.